RIP Story: November 18th, 2024

Emily wasn’t sure what brought her here. She didn’t have a ticket. She didn’t have a trip planned and she didn’t remember turning into the airport parking lot. She’d remember paying for parking, but that wasn’t important as she sat and watched the people move about. All sorts of life were happening in front of her. Couples moving in pairs, families at various points in their adventures. Some with strollers, other with toddler, and one family made of ancient forest, tall children, a tall mom and a short Dad taking up the rear of the pack making sure everyone kept moving toward their destination.

Why am I here? She asked herself again. The people were interesting, but they didn’t answer the question. Relax, be, She reminder herself. The noisy clatter of the airport was interrupted by the louder announcements. She found a seat and waited. The noise became background, and the people became a focus. Eventually the movement of the crowd became a visual chant for Emily to zone out on.

“Miss, can I help you?” one of the airport employees asked. Emily shook her head, found her bearings, and explained that her traveling partner was late, and she was waiting. Emily was asked about her destination. She picked the first city she saw on the board, hoping this would be the last question she’d have to answer. “Thank you, Miss. Just wanted to check in on you. Safe travels.”

The board was an answer to the immediate question; it also held the answer to why she was here. Emily knew her time in the airport was soon to end but she took some minutes to watch the board. The airport went silent in her mind. The people became a blur. The board had the answer. There was a destination on this board that she needed to see. The answer was here, but she wasn’t seeing it. Calm. The answer not being here today didn’t mean the answer wouldn’t be there later. I have to be okay with waiting for another day.

It didn’t occur to her until she got back home that she might end up on some list for sitting in an airport, and just, leaving. She thought about writing an email to the airport, but who would you send it to? Who would care and how would she explain what was happening in her mind? Also, who needs to know what she was thinking?

Maybe there is a live stream of a destination board I can watch online? The search would continue but she felt like there was more focus today than she had the day before.

Thanks for reading, see you tomorrow.



The Elemental Guard #3: Life Goes On


RIP Story: October 29th, 2024